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Snæfríður Sól er leikstjóri og listakona. List hennar samanstendur hvað helst af textum, innsetningum, hljóðverkum, myndböndum og performönsum, en best finnst henni að blanda sem flestum formum saman. Hún útskrifaðist vorið 2019 af Sviðslistabraut frá Listaháskóla Íslands og er um þessar mundir að leggja lokahönd á mastersnám í leikstjórn (Master of Directing of Devised and Object Theater) í DAMU í Prag, en hún er líka menntuð í dansi og myndlist.

Snæfríður Sól is a director and a multi disciplinary artist. Her work mostly consits of performances, texts, installations, sound and video, often all in a mix. She graduated from the Theatre and Performance Making department at the Iceland University of the Arts in 2019 and is currently finishing her masters degree from MA DOT (Master in Directing of Devised and Object Theater) in DAMU, Prague. She is also educated in both contemporary dance and visual art.

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